The following JSON-RPC methods are supported (try these using the LibraryHandler test page):
- ANEG(studentId, staffId, date)
- AU(LoginCode, UserPassword)
- AUCL(LoginCode, UserPassword)
- BackVolumeCodeGen(LibId)
- BLSFU(fld, stringValue, intValue, dateValue, booleanValue, decimalValue, bookList)
- BSDM(Libno, llid, Did, aut, pid, edid, lgid, crid, rcid, acqdFrm, acqdTo, Damage, Dead, Binding, Trace, Alert, Gift, show, from)
- CBC(MemCate, LibNo, AcYr, Resx)
- CFU(Accno, position, numValue, textValue, booleanValue, dateValue, cmbValue, rsid)
- CFUIS(Accno, position, numValue, textValue, dateValue, cmbValue, rsid)
- CHFCBB(LibraryId)
- CHKEGE(MemberId, libraryId, LocId)
- CHSLC(Libno, AcYr, SemId, YrId)
- CIC()
- CLF(fineId)
- CLFM(fineId)
- CollectLateFineFromWallet(fineId)
- CSFU(Libno, AcYr, SemId, YrId, SlabType, RangeFrom, RangeTo, Points, SlabId)
- CUBID(fromAccNo, toAccNo, days, libId)
- CUDDFT(txId, newDate)
- DashBoardDetailsJSON(LibId, TypeId)
- ESSP(Text)
- ETSP(Text)
- FAAFL(libraryId)
- FACDFS(libraryId, resxTypeId)
- FACM(libraryId)
- FAFBFM(memberId)
- FALCM(libraryId)
- FALN()
- FAMM()
- FAST(str, type)
- FAYFFC(LibNo, FineFlag)
- FBCDFLBO(libraryId, fromNo, toNo, deptId, publisherId, circTypeId, edition, editionType, languageId, isDamaged, isBinding, isDead, isTrace, isLost, isGift, titleAuthorSearch, fromAcqDate, toAcqDate)
- FBFE(libraryId, Loclib, accNo)
- FBLFS(LibNo, AccNo)
- FBLRD(LibNo, AcadYr)
- FBMAS(libraryId)
- FBMASWR(libraryId, fromAccNo, toAccNo)
- FBS(Libno, Llibno, verifyId, ResxType)
- FBSD()
- FBSFSV(Libno, Llibno, verifyId, resxType, status, txtRack)
- FBSI(fundSourceId)
- FCIMLAG(onDate)
- FCMD(Cirid)
- FCRWMMT(membertype, memberId, acadYearId, txLibId)
- FCRWMSS(staffId, studentId, acadYearId, txLibId)
- FCSFS(libraryId, acadyearId, typeId, nonBookTypeId)
- FDDALL(Lib, Loc, Rsid, Iso)
- FDDBM(Lib, Loc, Memid)
- FDFBS(lid, llid)
- FDFSCP(libraryId, acadyearId, typeId, nonBookTypeId, deptOrDesignation, teachingOrAllStaffs)
- FEGEC(Libno, llid, ClsDept, str, Stid)
- FEGECFML(Libno, llid, Studid, MemCategory, chk, DtFrom, DtTo)
- FEGEDFG(Libno, llid, str, DtFrm, DtTo, From, Show, chk, Frt, Tt, Act, DeptId, GateId)
- FEGL(LibraryId)
- FEGMLH(Libno, llid, str, DtFrm, DtTo, chk, txtnum)
- FEGMLHMIN(Libno, llid, str, DtFrm, DtTo, chk, txtnum)
- FEGNED(Libno, llid, ClsDept, str)
- FEGRD(Memid, str, dtfrm, dtTo)
- FEGRDBC(Libno, llid, Cls, str, dtfrm, dtTo)
- FEGRDBS(Libno, llid, Dept, str, Frdt, ToDt)
- FEGRFD(Libno, llid, ClsDept, str)
- FEMD(Mid, Crid, lib)
- FetchBackVolume(LibId)
- FetchBookForSendingMail(id, tomail)
- FetchBookStasticsJSON(LibId, LocId, Type, DateType, FromDtBST, ToDtBST)
- FetchDigitalLibraryDropDownJSON()
- FetchDropDownForNonBook()
- FetchDueStatus(staffId, studentId)
- FetchEBookMasterNewForSearchJSON(DeptId, Search, TypeId)
- FetchEgateTransactionJSON(Date, LibId)
- FetchEmailAddressJSON()
- FetchFullBookDetailsCombactJSON(LibId, LocId, DeptId, AccNoFrom, AccNoTo)
- FetchFullBookDetailsForSearchJSON(LibId, Search)
- FetchFullBookDetailsJSON(LibId, DeptId, AccNoFrom, AccNoTo)
- FetchLibraryDashBoardJSON(LibId)
- FetchMemberSearchForDuesJSON(Types, Statuss, Search)
- FetchNonBooksJSON(LibId, TypeId)
- FetchOldMessages(Issueid, LibId, ins)
- FetchOldMessagesAllIssues(SubId, LibId, ins)
- FetchOnCirculationDetailsFromDashBoardJSON(LibId, TypeId)
- FetchParticularCategorySearchJSON(ResxId, TypeId)
- FetchPeriodDetails()
- FetchRacksJSON(LocLibId)
- FetchResxTypeJSON()
- FetchSemPeriod(AcYr)
- FetchSerialIssue(Status)
- FetchSerialIssueAbstract(IssueId)
- FetchSerialIssueAfter(SubId)
- FetchSerialIssueCodeGen(SubId)
- FetchSerialIssueIssueDate(SubId)
- FetchSerialIssueVolume(SubId, Id)
- FetchSerials(LibId)
- FetchSubjectsJSON()
- FetchSubscription(SerialId)
- FetchSubscriptionForDashBoardJSON(SubId)
- FetchSubscriptionTerm(SerialId)
- FetchVendorDetailsJSON()
- FETIME(From)
- FFBLI(txtFund)
- FFD(libraryId)
- FFDWFD(libraryId, acadYearId, finYearId, fromRecNo, toRecNo, fromDate, toDate, paidFlag)
- FFDWFDN(libraryId, acadYearId, finYearId, fromRecNo, toRecNo, fromDate, toDate, Pfrm, Pto, paidFlag)
- FFDWTPFD(libraryId, acadYearId, finYearId, fromRecNo, toRecNo, fromDate, toDate, paidFlag, paidFromDate, paidToDate, IssFromDate, IssueToDate, From, Show)
- FFSDFDG(LibNo, DtFrom, DtTo, Dept, fsId, IsTit)
- FFSDFG(LibNo, DtFrom, DtTo, Dept, fsId)
- FFSLD(Libno, AcYr, SemId, YrId)
- FFSR(dept, fs)
- FGODRD(AcadyearId, LibId, RecNo)
- FHDFL(AcadyearId)
- FICRFM(memberId)
- FISD(srid, Libid)
- FLC()
- FLCMFM(meetingId)
- FLDTLS(libraryId)
- FLDTLSFD(libraryId, fromDate)
- FLDTLSFDTD(libraryId, fromDate, toDate)
- FLRS(libraryId)
- FLRSGD(libraryId)
- FLTT(libraryId, resxTypeId, txType, fromDate, toDate)
- FMAN(libraryId, fromNo, toNo)
- FMANO(libId)
- FMANOWL(libId, Frm, To)
- FMRBAFRR(accNo, libraryId, acadYearId)
- FMRBAFRRPR(accNo, libraryId, acadYearId)
- FMTDTH(memberType, memberId, hideReportHeader)
- FMTDTHWF(memberType, memberId, hideReportHeader, showTransactionsWithFine, showTransactionsWithActiveFine)
- FMWTS(libraryId, fromDate, toDate)
- FNAIL(libraryId)
- FNBI()
- FOAMIG(onDate)
- FODCDRBDT(libraryId, fromDate, transactionType)
- FODCR(libraryId, fromDate, toDate)
- FODTS(libraryId, fromDate, toDate)
- FPDFM(Str)
- FPEFC(Pubid, RackId, SubjectId)
- FRCD(libraryId, ResourceTypeId, NonBookItemId, fromNo, toNo, deptId, publisherId, circTypeId, edition, editionType, languageId, isDamaged, isBinding, isDead, isTrace, isLost, isGift, titleAuthorSearch, fromAcqDate, toAcqDate)
- FRCDBROP(libraryId, LocId, ResourceTypeId, NonBookItemId, fromNo, toNo, deptId, publisherId, circTypeId, edition, editionType, languageId, isDamaged, isBinding, isDead, isTrace, isLost, isGift, titleAuthorSearch, fromAcqDate, toAcqDate, From, Show, isWriteOff)
- FRCH(resxId, showResourceInfo)
- FRDBFS(libno, Resid, fundSourceId)
- FRICWLO(libraryId, resxTypeId, isLapsed)
- FRICWLON(libraryId, resxTypeId, isLapsed, AcadYearId, FromDate, ToDate, DateType)
- FROFME(ResourceType)
- FRXC(txtSearch, t)
- FSDEGR(LibNo, LocId)
- FSDSADFL(libraryId)
- FSFDFV(Libno, AcYr, SemId, YrId, ClassId, Iscls, EgMin, TxnMin, SlabDateFrom, SlabDateTo, AssSt)
- FSFU(Libno, AcYr, SemId, SlabType, YrId)
- FSGNL(GroupId)
- FSICGS(ClassId, Gender, StudStat)
- FSSMD(ClassId, Libno, AcYr, SemId, YrId, EgMin, TxnMin, FromDt, ToDate)
- FSSOS(search, libraryId, acadYearId)
- FSTDTH(studentId)
- FSTFRT(materialTypeId)
- FSTFTH(staffId)
- FSTK(StockLibId, StockLoctionId, StockAcadId, StockId, ResxType)
- FSTKN(StockLibId, StockLoctionId, StockAcadId)
- FSTKR(StockLibId, StockLoctionId, StockAcadId, StockId, StockTypeId, from, show, ResxType)
- FTDFM(Str, i)
- FTMCFML(Libno, llid, ResrcId, ResrcType, chk, DtFrom, DtTo)
- FTMLH(Libno, llid, str, DtFrm, DtTo, chk, txtnum)
- FTMLRH(Libno, llid, str, DtFrm, DtTo, chk, txtnum)
- FTRECFML(Libno, llid, Studid, MemCategory, chk, DtFrom, DtTo)
- FTRECFMLN3(Libno, llid, Studid, MemCategory)
- FTXEDFG(Libno, llid, str, DtFrom, DtTo, from, show, Act)
- FTXNCLSD(Libno, llid, clsDept, str, From, Show)
- FTXNRFD(Libno, llid, ClsDept, str, FrDt, ToDt)
- FUAD(libId, Locid, Resid, from, show)
- FUED(libId, Locid, Resid, from, show)
- FUPD(libId, Locid, Resid, from, show)
- FUTD(libId, Locid, Resid, from, show)
- FVBPS(libId, fromDate, toDate, resxTypeId)
- FVRS(libno, LocLib, VrId)
- GBDFCBT(Libno, frm, to, dept)
- GCD(libId, Locid, Resid, Tn, Au, pid, Ed)
- GCDFFS(LibNo, DtFrom, DtTo, Dept, fsId, TitleId)
- GCUSR(libraryId, Mtype, Show, from)
- GLLFT(libId)
- GLLFT1()
- GMTHD(MemberID)
- GRDFC(libId, frm, to, dept, nbid, Rsid)
- GRDFT(libId, frm, to, dept, nbid, Rsid)
- GRTD(libId)
- GRTDN(libId, str)
- IRM(list, memberType, memberId, libraryId, locationId, resxTypeId, acadYearId, remarks, txDate, txnSMS)
- LAP(act)
- LLBLW(Libno)
- LLL(LibNo)
- LOU()
- LVBBSRCH(LibraryId, Libno, verifyId, txt_Search)
- MB(libraryId, locationId, accessionNo, titleId, subTitle, series, author1, role1, author2, role2, author3, role3, publisherId, publishedPlace, publishedYear, edition, acquisitionDate, bookPrice, currencyId, convValue, ISBN, callNo, deptId, circulationTypeId, subjectId, languageId, rowId, shelfId, contentPages, textPages, bookSize, purchaseNote, remarks, illustration, keywords, isDamaged, isBinding, isDead, isTrace, useAlert, responsibility, isGift, giftnote, editionType, billNo, vendorId, title, resourceId, noOfCopies, issueDays, purchasePrice, FundSource, ReprintBook, ReprintDate, DiscCate, Disc, BillDate, IsWriteoff)
- MCM(libraryId, meetingDate, sl, topic, discussed, outCome, resolutions, prevMeetingPointsStatus, remarks1, remarks2, id)
- MCMB(libraryId, staffId, designationId, since, isActive, remarks, prevExperience, id)
- MCP(studentOrStaff, libraryId, acadYearId, resxTypeId, nonBookTypeId, clslist, quota, issueDays, renewTimes, renewDays, isFine, fineAmount)
- MDGLBI(csvTitle, csvAuthor, csvYea, csvPrice)
- MergeBackVolumeEntry(LibId, AccCode, Title, SubTitle, SubjectId, PublisherId, PubPlace, AccDateStr, Leaves, BookPrice, Purchasedprice, CurrencyId, ConvValue, LanguageId, DeptId, LocId, Illustration, Remarks, Damaged)
- MergeEmailAddress(Id, EmailCode, Password, IsActive, LibId, Librn)
- MergeNonBookEntry(LibId, LocId, TypeId, AccCode, Title, PublisherId, Author, BookPrice, Purchasedprice, CurrencyId, ConvValue, DeptId, AccDateStr, Remarks, Illustration, Keywords, BookLocation, Guide, LinkTypeId, LinkCode)
- MergeNonBookItems(Id, FullName, ShortName, Notes)
- MergePeriodDetails(PeriodId, PMode, PeriodName, ShortCode, PCount, Note)
- MergeRacks(RacksId, LocLibId, FullName)
- MergeSerialIssue(SubId, SerialCode, IssueNo, IssueCode, IssueDate, ReceivedDate, Volume, Number, IssueCount, Price, Page, SpecialKey, Damage, Plates, NBCode, LocLibId, Subject, Avail, LibId, IssueId)
- MergeSerialIssueAbstract(AbstractId, Title, SubTitle, Author, CoAuthor, PageFromNo, PageToNo, Remark, Note, Narration, AbstractNo, IssueId)
- MergeSerials(LibId, PeriodId, SCode, Title, SubTitle, ForTitle, PublisherId, Place, LanguageId, DeptId, GracePeriod, ISSN, SubNo, VendorId, AccStatus, SerialType, Edition, SerialId)
- MergeSubjects(SubjectId, SubjectName)
- MergeSubscription(Term, FirstDate, LastDate, SubPeriod, SubNo, InstMember, Confirm, Active, FirstIssue, LastIssue, ddAmount, ddComm, Favour, Bank, Place, Purchaser, ddNo, ddDate, ddPost, Remarks, LibId, SerialId, SubId, PaymentTypeId)
- MergeUserPreference(Title)
- MergeUserPreferenceOPAC(Status)
- MergeVendorDetails(VendorId, VendorName, Place, Town, Pin, Address, Email, Phone, Notes, Active)
- MFSM(fundName, fundValue, Period, IsActive, FundMaster)
- MFSR(FundSourceId, FundSourceName)
- MLL(libraryId, locationId, isActive, libLocationId)
- MLN(fullName, shortName, notes, locationId)
- MLOR(CirculationId, acadYearId, libraryId, locationId, resxTypeId, IsLost, Remark, BookValue, LostOverdue, LostTotal, LostPaid, ReplaceOverdue, OldAccNo, NewAccNo, DmgOverDue, DmgFine)
- MMM(meetingId, memberId, discussed, suggested, remarks1, remarks2, id)
- MNBI(ItemName, shortName, ItemId)
- MP(fullName, shortName, fullAddress, eMail, notes, publisherId)
- MRFF(FineId, Ramt, remark)
- MRFT(libraryId, locationId, acadYearId, resxTypeId, txId, TxnSMS, WithFine, IsCollected, TxnDate, TxnType)
- MRGPUB(pid, Selid)
- MRGTIT(Tid, Selid)
- MSCP(studentOrStaff, libraryId, acadYearId, resxTypeId, nonBookTypeId, deptList, quota, issueDays, renewTimes, renewDays, isFine, fineAmount, deptOrDesignation)
- MSLR(ResxId, title, Author, Publisher)
- MSVM(libId, acadYearId, verifyName, purpose, remarks, librarian, isActive, verifyId)
- MTIO(titleIdList, titleId)
- NonBookCodeGen(LibId, resId)
- PBFSV(Libno, LocId, verifyId, ResxType)
- PeriodicalCodeGen(LibId, PeriodId)
- PFNM(libId, Accno, FundNameId, rsid)
- RAVB(stockVerifyId)
- REGN()
- RemoveFileForSerial(AbstractId)
- RFNM(libId, Accno, rsid)
- RFT(libraryId, locationId, acadYearId, resxTypeId, txId, TxnSMS)
- RFTWF(libraryId, locationId, acadYearId, txId, fineAmount, isFineCollected, resxTypeId, TxnSMS)
- RRFT(libraryId, locationId, acadYearId, resxTypeId, memberType, memberId, txId, TxnSMS)
- RRFTWF(libraryId, locationId, acadYearId, resxTypeId, memberType, memberId, txId, fineAmount, isFineCollected, TxnSMS)
- RSLB(SlabId)
- RVDBMS(LibId, LocId, txtMember, MemberId, FromDate, ToDate)
- RVDBRS(LibId, LocId, ResxType, ResxId, FromDate, ToDate)
- RVNMLDFM(LibId, LocId, txtValue, RvnStr, RType, FromDate, ToDate)
- RVNMLDFR(ResxType, LibId, LocId, txtValue, RvnStr, RType, FromDate, ToDate)
- SAN(search, libraryId)
- SANFP(search, libraryId)
- SANFPFI(search, libraryId)
- SANWMD(search, libraryId, Locid, memberId, memberType, acadYearId)
- SASBCR(searchString)
- SBWCI(Accno, libraryId)
- SBWIOC(isbn, callNo, libraryId)
- SBWIOCC(isbn, callNo, libraryId)
- SEG(libno, LocLib, GID, Gn, Type, Ismain)
- SendPublisherRemainderEmail(Issueid, LibrEmail, LibrPwd, PubEmail, EmOption1, EmOption2, Message, LibId)
- SendPublisherRemainderEmailALL(SubId, LibrEmail, LibrPwd, PubEmail, EmOption1, EmOption2, Message, LibId)
- SES(egateId, egateName, imageName, libraryId)
- SMAILALL(libno, LocLib, Crid, res)
- SMAILID(Mid, libno, LocLib, Acc)
- SMGN(fullName, shortName, GroupId)
- SMSALL(libno, LocLib, Crid, Res)
- SRCHSTKST(LibraryId, SrchAcc)
- SS(searchString)
- SSFEG(search)
- SSGN(mainGroupId, fullName, shortName, GroupId)
- SSMSID(Mid, libno, LocLib, Acc)
- SSS(search, libraryId, acadYearId)
- ST(searchText, libraryId)
- StudLock(StudentId)
- system.about()
- Returns a summary about the server implementation for display purposes.
- system.listMethods()
- Returns an array of method names implemented by this service.
- system.version()
- Returns the version server implementation using the major, minor, build and revision format.
- TD()
- UBI(accessionNo, titleId, title, subTitle, series, publisherId, author1, role1, author2, role2, author3, role3, responsibility, publishedPlace, publishedYear, edition, editionType, bookPrice, currencyId, convValue, callNo, ISBN, deptId, circulationTypeId, subjectId, languageId, rowId, shelfId, contentPages, textPages, acquisitionDate, bookSize, purchaseNote, remarks, illustration, keywords, isDamaged, isBinding, isDead, isTrace, useAlert, isGift, giftnote, resourceId, issueDays, billNo, vendorId, purchasePrice, FundSource, ReprintBook, ReprintDate, DiscCate, Disc, BillDate, IsWriteoff)
- UBR(libId, Accno, rac)
- UBT(libId, Accno, bt)
- UpdateBackVolumeEntry(LibId, AccCode, Title, SubTitle, SubjectId, PublisherId, PubPlace, AccDateStr, Leaves, BookPrice, Purchasedprice, CurrencyId, ConvValue, LanguageId, DeptId, LocId, Illustration, Remarks, Damaged, BackVolumeId)
- UpdateNonBookEntry(LibId, LocId, TypeId, AccCode, Title, PublisherId, Author, BookPrice, Purchasedprice, CurrencyId, ConvValue, DeptId, AccDateStr, Remarks, Illustration, Keywords, BookLocation, Guide, LinkTypeId, LinkCode, Rxid)
- URD(libId, Accno, dept, rsid)
- URL(libId, Accno, locid, Rsid)
- UserPrefereceEGate(Status)
- VAB(Libno, LocNo, acc, location, shelfId, verifyId)
- VABLBV(Libno, LocNo, acc, location, shelfId, verifyId)
- VABN(Libno, LocNo, acc, location, shelfId, verifyId)
- VU(LoginCode, UserPassword)
The following method(s) of this service are marked as idempotent and therefore safe for use with HTTP GET:
- system.about
- system.listMethods
- system.version